Udenlandske arrangementer
På denne side kan du danne dig et overblik over aktuelle udenlandske arrangementer i forbindelse med jagthorn.
(Information om de Europæiske Mesterskaber d. 3.-5. oktober 2025.
Elektronisk tilmelding til petr@myslivci.cz senest 31. juli 2025.)
Organizer: Polski Związek Łowiecki organized by the Sygnalistów Myśliwskich PZŁ club Location: Poland - Pszczyna, Pszczyńskie Centrum Kultury On: October 3rd - 5th, 2025 Participants: The groups are to be delegated according to point 3 of the declaration.
2 categories: B and, E-Flat/D tuning
The competition is based on points 1 - 7 of the declaration.
1. The EM JHB takes place every odd year. The organizer is chosen by the national union representatives. The European Championship is organized by the organizer in a simple, modest and loving way.
2. The European Championship is intended for the hunting horn groups in B and E-Flat/D (hunting horn, Fürst Plesshorn and Parforcehorn). A horn group consists of at least 4 hunting horn players, there is no limit to the maximum number. The groups play without a conductor and without music stands.
3. The horn groups are delegated by the umbrella organization. The hunting horn groups bear all their own costs associated with the European Championship (travel, accommodation and meals). The organizer of the European Championship covers the costs of organizing the competition and the fees as well as accommodation and meals for the jurors. Correspondence between the parties takes place via email. The negotiation language is the language of the organizer and German.
4. Each participating state is entitled to delegate an experienced juror to the European Championship.
5. Each participant will be provided with free scores for two four-part pieces in B and E-Flat/D for the European Championship, which will be published in the list on the European Championship website. The participants choose 2 pieces from the list as compulsory pieces from the other countries. The allocation of the various instrument voices within the wind section is up to the participants. The number of self-selected optional pieces is determined by the organizer.
6. The jurors assess the participants' performance according to the following criteria:
a) performance
b) interaction
c) tuning
d) tonal culture
e) overall impression
For each criterion, the participant can receive 1-5 points.
1 point = sufficient
2 points = good
3 points = very good
4 points = outstanding
5 points = excellent
7. Each participant receives a certificate of participation and the competition badge. The winner of all categories receives the title of European Champion.
The competition course
The competition consists of two rounds. The qualifying round and the final (the 3 best groups in each category take part in the final). In the qualifying round, 3 pieces are played (2 mandatory and 1 optional compositions). The organizer can decide that fewer compositions are played depending on the number of participants. In the final, each group will play 2 compositions (1 mandatory and 1 optional piece of their own choice).
Delegation of groups
A maximum of 2 groups in B tuning and 2 groups in E-Flat/D tuning can take part in the competition from each country. If a country only delegates one group in the E-Flat/D category, it can delegate another group to the B tuning category, i.e. three groups in B. Another combination of the number of delegated groups is not possible.
Mandatory compositions
Mandatory compositions are published on www.EMJHB.de, www.metrubaci.cz.
Winners in each category (B and E-Flat/D) receive the title of European Hunting Horn Players Champion 2025. Two other finalists in each category received the title of European Hunting Horn Players Vice Champion.
Registration of participation is only possible electronically at petr@myslivci.cz until July 31, 2025 at the latest.
Organiser of the European Championship all questions about the program, accommodation and catering. Polski Związek Łowiecki Klub Sygnalistów Myśliwskich PZŁ, ul. Nowy Świat 35 00-029 Warszawa Responsible person: Maciej Strawa - organizer Mobile: +48 604 897 107, E-mail: strawa@poczta.onet.pl
Office European Championship all questions about competition conditions, evaluation, compulsory and elective pieces Českomoravská myslivecká jednota, z.s. Lešanská 1176 / 2a, 141 00 Praha 4 Responsible person: Petr Šeplavý, mobile: 00420 774 423 033, e-mail: petr@myslivci.cz
Websites www.emjhb.de, www.metrubaci.cz
October 3, 2025, Friday
3:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Registration of participants – Pszczyna Cultural Center / EM Office 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Jury meeting – Hotel Styl 70
5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Rehearsal of the participating groups – Pszczyna Cultural Center 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Concert of the participants (optional) – Market Square in Pszczyna (Rynek Pszczyński)
October 4, 2025, Saturday
08:30 – 08:50 Opening of the competition – Pszczyna Cultural Center
09:00 – 13:00 Competition – qualifying round – groups in B flat – Pszczyna Cultural Center 12:00 – 14:00 Lunch for the participants – Pszczyna Cultural Center
14:00 – 15:30 Competition – qualifying round – groups in B flat and E flat/D flat – Pszczyna Cultural Center
16:00 – 16:40 Competition – final groups in B flat, E flat/D flat – Pszczyna Cultural Center 16:45 – 17:45 Procession of the participants through the city of Pszczyna from the Cultural Center to the Market Square (Rynek Pszczyński) - Performance of individual JHB groups – Presentation of individual countries - Group photo with all participants - Steps of the castle in Pszczyna
18:00 – 19:00 Holy Mass of St. Hubertus – Church of All Saints in Pszczyna
20:00 – 21:00 Announcement of the European Champions and Vice-Champions 2025 with a concert of the participants and winners – Pszczyna Cultural Center
21:00 – 24:00 Gala evening until midnight, with all groups and participants in the Cultural Center
October 5, 2025, Sunday
09:00 – 10:00 Visit of Bison Centre in the historical park in Pszczyna
10:00 – 11:30 Visit of the Castle Museum in Pszczyna or the Princely Stables
12:00 Departure of the participants
Additional program
• Visit of the Castle Museum in Pszczyna
• Visit of the Promnice Hunting Lodge
Planned locations
• Cultural Center at the intersection of Bielska Street and Wladyslawa Jagielky Str.
• Bison Centre Źorska Str.
• Wojska Polskiego Castle Museum and Castle Park
• Princely Horse Stables Basztowa Str.
• Pless Market Square Rynek Town Square
• Church of All Saints Bednarska Str.
Qubus Hotel Bielsko-Biala
ul. Mostowa 2, 43-300 Bielsko – Biała +48 71 782 87 65 e-mail: rezerwacja@qubushotel.com
25 minutes from the cultural center (20 km south of Pszczyna)
Price: twin room (2 people) 390 zł/day, single room (1 person) ok. 320 zł/day Capacity 200 beds
Hotel Tychy*** Hotel Tychy PRIME****
Al. Jana Pawła II 10, 43-100 Tychy +48 693 340 757, +48 32 782 75 00 e-mail: hotel.tychy@opal.pl
25 minutes from the cultural center (22 km north of Pszczyna)
Price: double room (2 people) 419 zł/day, single room (1 person) ok. 279 zł/day
Capacity 200 beds
ul. Węglowa 18, 43-503 Czechowice-Dziedzice +48 32 215 04 35, +48 782 744 344 e-mail: recepcja@ahotel.com.pl
10 minutes from the Cultural Center (6 km south of Pszczyna)
Price: double room (2 people) 340 zł/day,
Capacity 82 beds
• The travel time from the hotel to the Pszczyna Cultural Center is approximate, depending on traffic.
• Prices are valid until October 2024, breakfast is included in the price
• When booking your room, please enter the password "European Hunting Horn Championship - Pszczyna 2025".
A standing reception and lunch (Pszczyna Cultural Center) will be offered to participants on the day of the competition. Each group with accompanying people will receive food vouchers for lunch and a standing reception at special rates after selecting their food at registration.
You will receive a food order form and further information (e.g. complete compositions, concert schedule, etc.) after registration.
Hej Dansk Jægerforbund,
jeg skriver på det tyske Jagthornsblæserlaugs "Jagdhornbläsergilde" vegne, for at opnå kontakt med danske jagthornsblæsergrupper og jagthornsblæsere.
Jagthornsblæserlauget blev grundlagt i 1976 som en sammenslutning af ridende jagthornsblæsere i Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland. Mens de første medlemmer kom fra ride-, køre- og væddeløbsklubber samt fra gruppen af jagtryttere, blev grupper af hornblæsere fra jagtsamfundet hurtigt interesseret i os.
Siden 1977 har lauget været en registreret forening, der ser sig selv som en tysk paraplyorganisation og som en forening af venner og støtter af jagthornstraditionen.
Glæden ved lyden af horn, kærligheden til heste og jagt udgør et bredt grundlag for vores fællesskab. Det oplever vi gang på gang ved vores blæsertræf, seminarer, jagter og konkurrencer.
Hvert andet år afholder vi blæserkonkurrence - om få måneder finder vores konkurrence sted i Torgau, Sachsen - fra den 29. til den 31. Mai.
I år rækker vi for første gang ud over grænsen og åbner konkurrencen for udenlandske blæsergrupper og blæsere. Det ville glæde os også at tage imod gæster fra Danmark og udvide vores fællesskab, inspirere og blive inspireret og med lidt held knytte nye venskaber med mennesker, der deler vores kærlighed til jagtmusikken.
Vi beder om jeres understøttelse med fremsendelse af denne mail til danske jagthornsblæsergrupper og jagthornsblæsere.
Forneden er et link til vores hjemmeside, hvor I finder information over os og vores konkurrence.
Vi ville glæde os til at høre fra jer.
Med venlig hilsen,
Mette Mortensen
Beisitzerin / Bisidder
Jagdhornbläser-Gilde e.V.